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Keeping In Touch—How One Student Kept Her Horizons Spirit Through a Pandemic

The 2020 Coronavirus pandemic limited all in-person contact, affecting programs like Horizons. Rising high school freshman Kameelah reflects on how different this summer was. "It was kind of boring", Gordon says. "Usually I'll wake up, go to camp, hang out with friends, and swim." Horizons quickly became the highlight of Gordon's summers, bringing her new friends, new fun, and a new approach to learning.

Restricted by COVID-19, her only contact with her friends from Horizons was through the phone. "We didn't do anything this summer, but we still talked", she sighed. She maintained her Horizons friendships, despite being able to attend in person. 

Attending Horizons Savannah also allows Kameelah to learn in ways she deemed comfortable. She says Horizons is "less stressful" than regular school, having the freedom to learn using the methods she likes.

"I like hands-on learning," she tells us. "I want to talk the problem out with a group." Gordon's favorite class at Horizons is STEAM (Science Technology Engineering and Math), one of Horizons' academic targets aside from literary development. 

Throughout her many summers at the program, Kameelah also made improvements outside of academics. She finds herself a better planner and more committed to time-management, both of which she attributes to Horizons. "It was helpful that we planned out the whole day." she asserted.

As she enters the second half of semi-virtual schooling, she remains hopeful that Horizons will reconvene in the summer of 2021. As an 8th grader, it would be her concluding summer with the program. "That's when we get on stage and they graduate us," Gordon says. "I really hope we get to come back."